Welcome to the website for Killenaule and Moyglass Parish.
Here are some useful links.
Parish Lotto
Our new Parish Lotto, the first draw was held on the 18th March 2021. All tickets sold Online. Click the link below for more information and to join up.
Live Streams
Mass can be seen from both churches in the Parish with our new Church Live Streams.
St Joseph the Worker, Moyglass
The Streams will only be live during Mass times which can be found here.

As well as donating to the Parish using our weekly envelope collection you also have the option to donate Online to the Parish through the Archdiocese website.
Killenaule Website
The website for the Town of Killenaule and the surrounding area. It contains cultural and historic information on the local area as well as pages dedicated to local businesses such as Local Bed and Breakfast Dunrovan House.