Killenaule and Moyglass Parish Newsletter 16th May 2021.

Killenaule and Moyglass Parish Newsletter 16th May 2021.

14 May 2021 Off By Malcolm

THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD (World Communications Day) 16th May 2021.

Come with Hope

Come back to Mass with hope in your heart, dear friend of Jesus, and of mine. Come with steady steps from the haven of home: for months your shelter and your sanctuary, made more sacred by His presence and your whispered prayers for loved ones; the living and the departed, the nearby’s and the distant, the strangers and the heroes.
Set evening sail to Saturday’s tolling bell; See the light of Sunday’s dawn swell.
Come, dear friend of Jesus, sit safe in the company of sinners and saints. Come to the altar of refreshment; eat of the Supper of the Lamb. Let him nourish your soul, tend to your wounds, count you as one of his own.
Come, with hope in your heart.

Focus on Sunday

Jesus has taken his place at the right hand of the Father.
His entry into glory is a cause of hope for us: that when our time
comes, we too, will follow Jesus into the glory of heaven.


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Parish Newsletter



Pastoral Letter from Archbishop O’Reilly

To be read out at all Masses

