Killenaule and Moyglass Parish Newsletter – 9th April 2023
A day of hope: of flowers and candles, new colour and new light.
A day of smiles and of friendship, new joy and new companionship
in Christ. A day of hope for those who suffer and who are sad.
A day which promises the victory of God’s love over sin and death.
Focus on Sunday
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Parish Newsletter

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Upcoming Events

- Anam Cara Tipperary
Anam Cara Tipperary the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it’s monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Monday 17th April at 7:15pm in the Horse and Jockey Hotel, Thurles. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We also offer an online meeting. For more information please contact us on info@anamcara.ie or 085 288 8888
- Catechism/Youcat workshop in Knock on Saturday 22nd of April 2023
- Silent Retreat:
Theme: “If you but knew the gift of God…”
Preached by: Fr. Kilian Byrne, Foyer of Charity
Venue: Mount Melleray Abbey, Co. Waterford
Date: May 15th to 21st
Cost: €400 full board
Contact: Helen : 086 1678027/ hellywilliams@gmail.com
A privileged time to come away from noise and distractions, and listen to the Spirit of God, – Who is Love. Silence, prayer, teachings & liturgy of the Church.