Parish Newsletter – 2nd April 2023
Holy Week Mass Times
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Parish Newsletter
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Upcoming Events and Info

Seeking: Visitation Support & Befriending Volunteers
What is Support & Befriending?
ALONE’s Support & Befriending service provides companionship and practical support to older people who would like extra social contact. Trained and Garda-vetted volunteers provide weekly visits or telephone calls which enable older people to feel secure and supported at home. The service provides assistance to solve everyday problems, offers friendship and companionship, and links the older person in with local events and activities through social prescribing. Through regular contact with large numbers of individuals, Telephone and Visitation volunteers enable the implementation of national strategies by communicating relevant messaging and information. ALONE’s support staff are on-hand to provide the older person with further support as and when required.
What we are currently recruiting for is, Visitation Support & Befriending Volunteers.
ALONE’s Visitation Support & Befriending Service provides regular visits to an older person from a volunteer who provides one-to-one companionship and practical support. Volunteers can support with practical tasks and provide information on local activities and relevant initiatives. All volunteers are trained, Garda vetted and receive support from ALONE staff.
Why are ALONE recruiting?
ALONE are recruiting volunteers in Counties South Tipperary, Kilkenny and Carlow;as we currently have older people in this locality who want to avail of the Visitation Support & Befriending service ALONE offer. Older People have recently been identified in these Counties and we would love to recruit volunteers in these areas to create lasting friendships.
Older People are now emerging from long periods of social isolation and we want to make their re-emergence journey as easy as possible with a friend by their side.
For more information on Visitation Support & Befriending
If you would like to begin your application process, please click the following link to start your volunteering journey. https://www.tfaforms.com/4890717
Feel free to get in touch with your local Volunteer Support Officer to learn more about the role of volunteering with ALONE, you can do so by contacting Emma Heslin, Volunteer Support Officer on 086 083 4393 or emma.heslin@alone.ie
If you are an older person who is seeking support
ALONE’s National Support Line is available on 0818 222 024 from 8am – 8pm, seven days a week. Contact hello@alone.ie for any further information.
General Description of ALONE
ALONE is a national organisation that strives to enable older people to age at home, safely and securely, for as long as they wish. We work with all older people, including those who are lonely, isolated, frail or ill, homeless, living in poverty, or are facing other difficulties. We provide an integrated system of Support Coordination, Practical Supports, Befriending, a variety of Phone Services, Social Prescribing, Housing with Support and Assistive Technology. We use individualised support plans, provide a point of contact for access to health, financial benefits and supports, social care, housing, transport and other arising needs using technology and other services and activities to improve physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. We have almost 3,000 volunteers throughout the Country who conduct and provide practical supports to older people, visits and phone calls, linking older people into social activity and being a companion.
Social Media
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/ALONEIreland/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/alone.ireland/?hl=en
Twitter – https://twitter.com/ALONE_IRELAND
Blood Donation Clinic
The Dome, Semple Stadium
Monday 3rd April
16:45 – 20:00Please phone 1800 222 111 for appointment
Did you know that approximately 1000 people in Ireland get blood transfusions every week?
Transfusions can happen for a variety of reasons – cancer treatment, surgery, car accidents, and childbirth complications to name a few.
Your gift could save a life!Why not become a blood donor and save lives? This is your opportunity give the gift of life.
The Irish Blood Transfusion Service needs to collect 3,000 units of blood every week to maintain the national blood supply. The issue with blood is that no one knows who will need it, when they will need it, how much they may need, or what type they require.
Approximately 1000 people in Ireland get blood transfusions every week.
Transfusions can happen for a variety of reasons – cancer treatment, surgery, car accidents, and childbirth complications to name a few.
Did you know?1 in 4 of us will need a blood transfusion in our lifetime
• 67% of donated blood is used to treat cancer patients & people with blood disorders.
• 27% of donated blood is used in surgery and emergency situations
• 6% of donated blood is used to treat blood loss after childbirth & to help premature babies
• 100% of donated blood is precious and saves lives in Ireland everyday.