Weekly News 07/12/2012

7 December 2012 Off By Malcolm

 Competition Time
A monster competition is heading your way.

Firstly we have an art competition where the children from St. Mary’s Central School where they will colourfully decorate some windows of local shops. All the children have to do is find the five gold rings, spread out between three shop windows in the town, Laherts, Vincents and John O’ Dwyer Butchers, fill out entry form and drop into box. The draw will take place in St. Mary’s Central School on Friday 21st December at 11.45 am.
The next part of this monster competition involves TY Students from Scoil Ruain who will make, as part of a team, a life size symbol of Christmas and enter their names into a draw which will take place in Scoil Ruain on Thursday 20th December at 3.45 pm.
And the final part of this monster competition is when you purchase in any shop and you spend over €10 you are entered into a draw to win a  €100 voucher. All you have to do is sign the back of your receipt and drop it into the box provided in the shop. The draw will take place in the carpark in Pike Street on Friday 21st December at 5 pm.

Shop Local In Killenaule
A group of business people in the town have come together in an effort to attract more business locally and to retain the current business. This project is supported by South Tipperary Co. Council. At present there are over 35 businesses in the town and every effort must be made to ensure that they survive and flourish.  The value of the local business and services to the community cannot be underestimated by us in this area. Without them we would be very much at a loss in this area.

In the past people from the outlying areas came to town every day and in particular those supplying milk to the local creamery. Our message to all people in the hinterland of Killenaule is to come to town as often as possible and do your business in the local retail premises.
We are planning a number of promotions in the local shops over the next few weeks using the Killenaule website and a brochure to promote all our local businesses. St. Mary’s Central School together with Scoil Ruain will run an arts competition and build a Santa Claus so we especially would like thank the teachers and parents for their support.
The Brochure will follow next week to all businesses in the area. Printing 3,000 brochures for Killenaule and surrounding area.
A meeting will take place this coming Monday afternoon at 2 pm in the Céard Scoil  to finalise details regrading competitions and prizes.

Killenaule / Moyglass Parish Journal 2012 AD
The Killenaule/Moyglass Parish Journal 2012 is now available at various outlets throughout the parish. The cost is the journal is €12.

Sale***Journals From Previous Years****
Copies of journals from previous years are currently available to buy for €5 each. Years available: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010,2011. If anyone if interested in purchasing aany of these journals please contact: Micéal de Faoite 087 2483203 / 052 9156895.

Please Remember in Your Prayers
Mary Hassett, Bailey Street.  For whom Mass has been offered.
The Deceased Members of the O’ Brien Family Ballynonty.  Mass this Saturday at 7 pm
Josephine Bishop.  Anniversary Mass this Saturday at 7 pm.
Thomas, Annie, Hugh & Elizabeth O’ Donnell.  Anniversary Mass this Sunday at 11 am

Remembrances during the week:
Monday at 10.30 am: 
Delia Geoghegan, died recently.
Tuesday at 10.30 am: Billy Carroll, Lismortagh.  RIP
Wednesday at 10.30 am: Mary Dwan.  RIP
Thursday at 10.30 am: Ann Ryan RIP
Friday at 10.30 am: Maureen Mc Cormack RIP
Saturday at 10.30 am: Jack Higgins RIP
Sat Eve 15th Dec at 7pm: Ted Leahy, Ballintogher. 7th Anniversary                                           & the Deceased Members of the Leahy Family. Ned & Mary Hassett; Paddy Bolger; Jessica Lee.  Anniversaries
Sunday 16th Dec at 11 am: Thomas & Francis (Frank) Burke Anniversary.                                                                Bridget Carroll (1st Anniversary) &  Con Carroll, Rathroe. 10th Anniversary

St. Vincent de Paul Collection
Collection in Moyglass on the 15th / 16th December.  Your support would be graciously
received in these difficult times.

Christmas Lights – Killenaule
The official turning on of the Christmas Lights will take place on the 8th December at 8 pm.  Music, Food & Refreshments available.  All are welcome.

The Slieveardagh Centre
Will close on Fri 21st December 2012 at 1 pm for two weeks for Christmas Holidays.  The centre will reopen on Tuesday 8th Jan ‘13.

Advent 2012
Advent means “come”.  It is a time to get ready when we prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ. The lighting of the Advent Wreath is one of the most popular Advent traditions.

  1. Why do we use Evergreen Wreath
    The use of the Wreath goes back and started in Germany, 300/400 years             ago.  The wreath is circular with no beginning and no end, it reminds us of the
    never ending love of God.
    2. Why do we use four coloured candles.
    3. Why do we light four candles.

Number 2 & 3 will be answered next week.

Do This In Memory of Me – Team
For Sunday 16th December 2012 our Team of Collette Perry, Helen Walsh, Amanda Hanly, will plan the programme for Sunday 16th December.  On that Sunday all young people are asked to bring “toys” to distribute throughout the parish to the Children for Christmas. So remember Sunday 16th December at 11 am.  Mass is “Do this in Memory of Me Programme” and not to forget your toys.

Scoil Ruain Parent’s Association
Will hold a Cake Sale in St. Mary’s Hall on Sunday 16th December after the 11 am Mass.  This is to raise funds for a new car park in Scoil Ruain.  Come in numbers to taste the cakes of the ladies of Scoil Ruain. Your support will be appreciated. Tea & Coffee will be served. The Hall will have a great Christmas Atmosphere with the Hall beautifully decorated for Christmas Festivities in the Parish.

Eucharistic Adoration
Held every Wednesday from 11 am to 7 pm. Everybody is welcome. You are welcome to come, it can be for one hour; 30 minutes; in the time you have available in the beautiful and comfortable surroundings of St. Mary’s Hall. On a visit to the town, do drop in to pray.

St. Mary’s Central N.S.
Will hold our Christmas Concert on Tuesday 18th & Wednesday 19th December at 7.30 pm.  The Concert will be a feast of festive fun for all our families.  The concert will showcase the multi-talented pupils of our school through the mediums of music, dance and drama.  The Concert will include traditional Nativity Stories, Christmas Tales with a twist, a modern retelling of the Dickens Classic “A Christmas Carol”, “Third’s Got Talent”, “Hosanna Rocks” and plenty of seasonal songs to get your toes tapping.  We look forward to seeing you on the night.

Ecclesiastical Trail Project
A Meeting on the Ecclesiastical Trail Project will be held on Wednesday next 12th        December at 8 pm in the Millennium Resource Centre, Glengoole (please note change from proposed venue of Killenaule).  Agenda for the Night: – Finalisation of list of trail sites; Planning / mapping of trail route; site access and safety issues; information gathering (historical info, photographs, maps etc); trip to trail of the saints – Carlow.

Moyglass Notes
Sat 8th Dec at 8 pm: 
The Walsh Family, Graystown.
Sun 9th Dec at 10 am: Sonny Gleeson.
Sat 15th Dec at 8 pm: William Sweeney, Mortlestown.
Sun 16th Dec at 10 am: Special Intention.

Masses for the week
Tuesday Morning at 9.30am
Wednesday Morning at 9.30am
Thursday Morning at 9.30am
Friday at 9.30am.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday at usual times.

Confessions for Christmas in Moyglass
On Saturday 15th December & Saturday 22nd December before evening Mass (from 7 pm to 7.30 pm).

The Moyglass Parents Association are having a Church Gate Collection
On Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th December to raise much needed funds for the National School.  Your Support would be greatly appreciated.

Thurles Credit Union Members Cash Draw
The winner of the December Cash Draw was Teena Maher, Carrigean, Bohernamona Road, Thurles. Teena is pictured at the presentation with Donal Scannell (CEO) . Congratulations to our other cash prize winners Eileen Guilfoyle, Urard, Gortnahoe; Sean & Paula Lanigan, Clover, Two Mile Borris; Martin Fahy, Gurteeney, Borrisoleigh and Nuala Ryan, Kilfithmone, Borrisoleigh.

Christmas Party & Story Time in Killenaule Library
Will take place in Killenaule Library on Wednesday 12th December 2012 at 4 pm.  The party will begin with Christmas Story Time presented by D. Kenny, followed by Milk & Cookies.  Contact Donal in the Library on (052) 9157906 on Monday & Wednesday from 10 am to 5 pm.

Killenaule Senior Citizens Annual Christmas Draw
As usual outstanding prizes – Eleven Prizes in All.  Draw will take place at the Christmas Party in Anner Hotel Thurles on Wednesday 12th December.

Slieveardagh Rural Development
Are holding a Marathon Toy Collection to help bring Christmas to those in need. The Collection is in Aid of Cuan Saor Women’s Refuge Clonmel.  Many families will have to flee their homes this Christmas due to domestic violence, leaving all presents and Santa behind.  The toys will be given to children in these unfortunate circumstances on Christmas Morning. Please drop off any new toys big or small to the Slieveardagh Centre in Killenaule. No donation too small. The centre is open 9 am to 5 pm / closed 1-2 for lunch.  Last drop off date: Wednesday 19th December 2012.

Re: Heart Defibrillator In The Killenaule Town Area
The position are:

1. Entrance to Centra (Main Street)
2. Killenaule Community Sports Complex Crosscannon (External)
3. Nursing Home
4. Astro Turf Pitch (Back of Scoil Ruain)

Present Committee – Dr. Liam Meagher, P.J. Hayes, John Hayes, Dick Dwyer, Niall Prendergast, Michael Mc Cormack & Eleanor Lahart.

Protection To Our Graveyards
Those are to be congratulated in their efforts to protect our Graveyards.  The sacred place where family, friends & neighbours are buried.  Those who have come together deserve every support in their efforts.  RIP Service is nil, enough to  protect those Sacred Places from vandalism and destruction.

Mini Bus From Killenaule To Kilkenny
Every Thursday €10.00 return.  Departing Killenaule at 9am approx  Ballingarry at 9.15 approx.  Booking essential – Contact Tom (087) 2188255.  Unfortunately we do not accept the Free Travel Pass.  It is hoped that a similar service will be provided on Fridays in the near future – Watch this space.

Getting Married In The Catholic Church
1. You are required to give 3 months notice to the Priest where the Marriage is celebrated.
2. Fill in a pre-nuptial form with the Priest of your Parish.
3. Produce – Recent Baptismal, Confirmation Certificate and Letters of Freedom.
4. Produce Certificate confirming attendance at a Marriage Preparation Course.

Slieveardagh Lottery
The Slieveardagh Lotto is held on Tuesday Nights, this week the Lotto will take place in Slieveardagh Cultural & Enterprise Centre.  This week’s Prize Fund is €15,800.00– Jackpot: €15,600.00. Tickets cost €2.00 and are available in Slieveardagh Centre Killenaule, Shops, Pubs and Post Offices in Killenaule, Ballingarry, Glengoole, The Commons, Gortnahoe, Grange, Ballysloe and Ballynonty. No winner of the Prize Fund or Jackpot last Tuesday. Next draw takes place on Tuesday 11th December 2012.

Slieveardagh Cultral & Enterprise Centre – Office Services:
The centre opens 5 days per week from 9am – 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am – 4pm on Friday; closed 1-2pm each day. The following Office Services are available in Slieveardagh Cultural & Enterprise Centre, Killenaule (052) 9156165.  Photocopying, Colourcopying, Typing, Laminating, Binding, Dance / Debs Tickets etc, Raffle Tickets (books), Posters, Business Cards, Booklets, Invitations, Gift Vouchers, Sponsor Cards and Faxing.  Excellent rates – on all the above.  We type essays, assignments etc only €2.00 per typed page.

Internet Café
Broadband Internet Access is now available to the public in the Slieveardagh Centre – all new computers.  Only €2.00 for one hour.

Mines DVD
A composition DVD of all past workers in the Ballingarry Mines is available to buy in The Old School House – The Commons.  The DVD is selling fast and would be a perfect Christmas Present.  The DVD is €10.00 with all proceeds going to refurbishment and running costs of the Old School House – The Commons.

Killenaule Library (052) 9157906. – Housed In Slieveardagh Centre Killenaule
Opening Hours – Monday and Wednesday 10-1 and 2-5, Closed Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Opening Hours to be reviewed in September.

Branch Librarian: Donal McGettigan         Telephone Number: 052 9157906

News Items
Please send your news items to info@killenaule.net