Weekly News 15/03/2013

15 March 2013 Off By Malcolm

Our New Pope – Pope Francis I is wished every Blessing    

Please Remember in Your Prayers
Lilly O’ Donnell for whom Mass has been offered..
John Delaney, Roan.  Anniversary Mass this Saturday at 7pm.
Eileen Lyons, St. Mary’s Road.  Anniversary Mass this Saturday at 7pm.
John & Johanna Gleeson, Cooldine.  Anniversary this Sunday at 11am.
James Simpson, Crohane.  Anniversary Mass this Sunday at 11am.
Eileen Flanagan nee Fitzgerald; died during the week.
Mary Carroll, South Lodge, Killenaule; died during the week. 

Remembrances during the week:
Monday at 10.30 am: Ena Lahart RIP
Tuesday at 10.30 am: Willie Guitan RIP
Wednesday at 10.30 am: Timmy Hoare 3rd Anniversary.
Thursday at 10.30 am: John Heffernan, Cashel Road RIP
Friday at 10.30 am: Ena Lahart RIP
Saturday at 10.30 am: Ena Lahart RIP
Sat Eve 23rd March at 7 pm: Willie Guitan, Killeens.  Months Mind Mass.
Michael Whelan, Castlequarter.  25th Anniversary Mass
Sunday 24th March 11.00 am: Palm Sunday
Months Mind Mass for John Heffernan Cashel Rd
Matt, Lizzie & Josie Power, Mardyke.  Anniversary Mass

Months Mind Mass for Joan Kelly
Will be offered in St. Mary’s Church on Monday 1st April at 10.30am; Bank Holiday Weekend.

Genealogy – Tracing Your Ancestors One Day Workshop Saturday April 13th
Location: Crocanoir, Mullinahone, Co. Tippeary www.crocanoir.com
Workshop provider: Hibernia Roots genealogy services (www.hiberniaroots.com)
Have you ever thought of researching your Family Tree but didn’t know where to start? Learn to be your own researcher. All you need is some curiosity and expert guidance through the archives. Acquire the skills necessary to select, locate and use the appropriate sources for genealogy searches and research.
This Workshop is aimed at those that have ‘dabbled’ in their family history, but have never made the time to structure their research. Why not sign up for a One Day Workshop in the beautiful, peaceful surroundings of Crocanóir, Mullinahone? Switch off for a day, and meet other genealogy addicts. At the end of the Workshop you will have identified the resources that could lead to you producing a family report for a special occasion gift or to present to visiting relatives.
Contact John at johnfgb@eircom.net 052-9153117 086-8907329 or Workshop Facilitator – Noreen, at hiberniaroots@gmail.com, for programme details.

Killenaule Library
Will be closed on Monday 18th March & Wednesday 20th March.  It will be open as usual on Monday 25th March.  Sorry any inconvenience caused.

Tipperary People and Places March Lecture
‘For Services Rendered? Aspects of the Peerage in County Tipperary’ by Des Marnane. The popularity of the TV series Downton Abbey indicates an interest in the lives of Lords and Ladies.  Big houses, servants and snobbery.  What’s not to like? Des Marnane discusses how the system worked; who got to be a lord; some family histories; the influence of peers on land ownership and public policy; their houses, marriages and some scandals and of course the decline in the power and influence of the class, of which peers were the elite.  Lecture will take place in the Source, Thurles on Tuesday 19th March 2013 at 7.30pm.  All are welcome and admission is Free. For further details, contact John or Mary (0504) 29278.

Unwanted Gifts
Lucy Connolly would greatly appreciate anyone who has unwanted gifts (Christmas etc) that would like to donate for her Fundraiser for the Children of Sudan, Kenya. Gifts can be donated to Mary O’ Connor, Main Street, Killenaule.  Phone (087) 6216516. Thank you for helping this worthy cause.

Franciscan Missionaries of Mary
The people were generous. Giving €2,449.00 speaks for itself. Sr. Nuala Glynn says thanks and assures you of their Prayers here in Limerick.  Sincerely: Sr. Nuala Glynn.

Holy Week Booklet
Will be available next weekend giving the layout and times for the various Ceremonies celebrated in Moyglass and Killenaule for Holy Week.

Derrynaflan Celebrations
Will again be the focal point for the Ceremonies on the Island.  The support of so much help; is being offered again this year in preparation of the Historic Island being the Central Focal Point for the Ceremonies.  Please tell your friends near and far again this year about the ceremonies.  Please remember that the clocks go forward one hour (Easter Sat Night) which should be a beautiful occasion on the Island. Further information during the coming week.

Moyglass Notes
Sat 16th March at 8 pm: 
Peg, Jack & Eileen Lahart, Lurgo.
Sun 17th March at 10 am: James & Margaret Maher
Denis & Donagh O’ Dwyer, Woodhouse.
Chris, Willie & Tom O’ Dwyer, Knockinglass.
Sat 23rd March at 8 pm: John & Annie Kennedy, Graige.
Patrick & Mary Doyle, Roscrea.
Sun 24th March at 10 am: Mary Hennessy, Graystown.  4th Anniversary.
Michael Kennedy, Mortlestown.  Anniversary.

Masses for the Week
No Week Day Masses this Week.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday at usual times. 

The Fatima Apostolate
Are holding a Three Hour Vigil in Honour of Our Lady of the Annunciation, in the Pallatine Chapel Thurles on Monday 25th March 2013 from 7.30-10.30pm. All are Welcome.

The Flying Nun – Sr. Patricia Wall Celebrates 75th Birthday With A Fall From The Sky
Sr. Patricia Wall- Chairperson of Slieveardagh Rural Development is doing a 10,000 ft Skydive on the first week of May this year. She is doing the Skydive to raise funds for AWARE (suicide & depression awareness) and also to help projects in the Slieveardagh Area of Glengoole, Killenaule and Ballingarry. The Skydive Story has being featured in the National Newspapers including: The Daily Mirror, The Daily Star, The Irish Examiner, The Daily Mail. The story will be covered in the local newspapers next week. A Facebook and Twitter Page have being created on Tuesday last and so far the Facebook Page has 274 likes and has being shared through Facebook users. Sr. Patricia has being interviewed by Radio One’s John Murray, Tipp FM and Ray D’arcy of Today FM and Cork Radio. Vincent Browne on TV 3 mentioned the story on his show. A page has being set up on mycharity.ie where you can donate to this worthy cause. There is also a Bank Account set up if you would like to lodge money to it. Even €1 will help raise awareness of suicide. The details are as follows: Account Name: Sliabh-Ardagh Rural Dev Ltd – Aware Skydive Account – Sort Code is 93-52-04 – Account Number is 23184-576.

Lourdes Invalid Fund Committee
Wish to ask for applications from parishioners who may wish to be sponsored to travel on the Cashel and Emly Pilgrimage this year. Date: June 16 – 21st. Boxes for names will be placed at the back of both Churches and please place all names before 24th March.

Church Gate Collection
For Lourdes Invalid Fund will take place at both Churches on 23rd/24th March 2013.

Slieveardagh Rural Development (052) 9156165 – Adult Courses
Beginners Banjo Classes – Will commence once fully booked
Names are being taken for the banjo classes as these were very successful in 2012. The lessons will run for 10 weeks 7 – 9 each night. Must have own banjo. 4 places remaining.
Advanced Banjo Classes – Will commence once fully booked
Adults who have basic banjo skills will upgrade their skills and move onto more advanced banjo. Must have own banjo. Classes will run for 10 weeks 7 – 9 each night. 4 places remaining.

Special Offers
To see Special Offers from Hair Dynamics/Cutie Beauty click here.
To see Special Offers from Bit and Bridle click here.

Killenaule / Moyglass Parish Journal 2012 AD
The Killenaule/Moyglass Parish Journal 2012 is now available at various outlets throughout the parish. The cost is the journal is €12.

Sale***Journals From Previous Years****
Copies of journals from previous years are currently available to buy for €5 each. Years available: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010,2011. If anyone if interested in purchasing any of these journals please contact: Micéal de Faoite 087 2483203/ 052 9156895.

Re: Heart Defibrillator In The Killenaule Town Area
The position are:

1. Entrance to Centra (Main Street)
2. Killenaule Community Sports Complex Crosscannon (External)
3. Nursing Home
4. Astro Turf Pitch (Back of Scoil Ruain)

Present Committee – Dr. Liam Meagher, P.J. Hayes, John Hayes, Dick Dwyer, Niall Prendergast, Michael Mc Cormack & Eleanor Lahart.

Getting Married In The Catholic Church
1. You are required to give 3 months notice to the Priest where the Marriage is celebrated.
2. Fill in a pre-nuptial form with the Priest of your Parish.
3. Produce – Recent Baptismal, Confirmation Certificate and Letters of Freedom.
4. Produce Certificate confirming attendance at a Marriage Preparation Course.

Slieveardagh Lottery
The Slieveardagh Lotto is held on Tuesday Nights, this week the Lotto will take place in Slieveardagh Cultural & Enterprise Centre.  This week’s Prize Fund is €16,400.00– Jackpot: €16,200.00. Tickets cost €2.00 and are available in Slieveardagh Centre Killenaule, Shops, Pubs and Post Offices in Killenaule, Ballingarry, Glengoole, The Commons, Gortnahoe, Grange, Ballysloe and Ballynonty. No winner of the Prize Fund or Jackpot last Tuesday. Next draw takes place on Tuesday 19th March 2013.

Slieveardagh Cultral & Enterprise Centre – Office Services
The centre opens 5 days per week from 9am – 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am – 4pm on Friday; closed 1-2pm each day. The following Office Services are available in Slieveardagh Cultural & Enterprise Centre, Killenaule (052) 9156165.  Photocopying, Colourcopying, Typing, Laminating, Binding, Dance / Debs Tickets etc, Raffle Tickets (books), Posters, Business Cards, Booklets, Invitations, Gift Vouchers, Sponsor Cards and Faxing.  Excellent rates – on all the above.  We type essays, assignments etc. To view price list click here.

Internet Café
Broadband Internet Access is now available to the public in the Slieveardagh Centre – all new computers.  Only €2.00 for one hour.

Killenaule Library (052) 9157906. – Housed In Slieveardagh Centre Killenaule
Opening Hours – Monday and Wednesday 10-1 and 2-5, Closed Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Opening Hours to be reviewed in September.

Branch Librarian: Donal McGettigan         Telephone Number: 052 9157906

News Items
Please send your news items to info@killenaule.net