Weekly News 05/04/2013

5 April 2013 Off By Malcolm

Lucy Connolly will hold her Annual Fundraising Table Quiz for Cara Projects in the Village In Moyglass on Friday 12th April at 9.30 am. Table of 4 €20. Raffle on the night for various prizes. Please support this worthy cause. Lucy would appreciate anyone with unwanted gifts if they would donate them to her fundraising efforts for Cara Projects Africa. gifts can be given to Mary O’ connor on 087 – 6216516 or Lucy on 087 – 2750754.

Killenaule Library
The Library hours have being reduced to a Wednesday from 10 am to 5 pm. The Library will not open on Mondays. A petition can be signed in the Slieveardagh Centre to extend the hours to Mondays and Wednesdays and also night time hours. If you would like to support your local library please sign this petition.

Enhancement Group Meeting
On Tuesday 9th April in St. Mary’s Hall at 8 pm.

Please Remember In Your Prayers
Liam Quinn who died recently.
Patrick and Margaret Holohan; for whom Mass has been offered.
Ena Lahart, Knockabritta. Months Mind Mass this Saturday at 7 pm.
Eileen, Dan and Joe Fahey. Anniversary Mass this Saturday at 7 pm.
Evelyn Murphy, St. Murphy’s Road. Months Mind Mass this Sunday at 11 am.
Paddy Ryan, Crosscannon. 7th Anniversary this Sunday at 11 am.

Remembrances During The Week
Monday at 10.30 am: Mary Horgan. Anniversary Mass.
Patrick and Margaret Holohan.
Tuesday at 10.30 am: Michael Hall, Graigue. RIP.
Wednesday at 10.30 am: Oliver MacCarthy RIP.
Thursday at 10.30 am: Ena Lahary RIP.
Friday at 10.30 am: Michael Hall, Graigue RIP.
Saturday at 10.30 am: Jimmy Walsh RIP.
Saturday Eve at 7 pm: Mary Carroll. Months Mind.
Maurice Ivers, St. Mary’s Road.

Over 85,000 Irish people Emigrated in the Last 2 Years.

Collection For Emigrants
Next Weekend a Second Collection will be held for the Carnal of Emigrants in Killenaule and Moyglass.

Thurles Credit Union
twitter account for TCU (@thurlescu)

Bailey House Nursing Home – Holy Hour
The hour will be led by Rena Hanningan and an other.

Killenaule Active Retirement Association
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 11th April in St. Mary’s Hall at 2.30 pm. New members are always welcome.

Easter Ceremonies 2013
The participation of so many lay men and women and so many young people was spoken during this year’s Easter ceremonies with different men and women participating in all the Ceremonies; what was referred to was the Respect and Decorum that was evident by all participants.

The Holy Thursday Ceremonies
And the Procession to the Altar of the Holy Oils, followed by the procession to the Altar of Repose followed by the Adoration Period.

Stations Of The Cross
Carried out by the Children of St. Mary’s Central School with the children leading and reflecting on the Stations  and Mothers and Fathers joined them. The music at each station was given by Breda O’ Neill (Teacher) and her daughter.

3 O’ Clock Ceremonies
The Great Cross was carried through the Church as appropriate Hymns and Responses were sung by the Parish Folk Group.

The Final Ceremonies Of Good Friday
Concluded with the Ceremonies carried out by all lay people, young and old. The music was provided by the Folk Group – as solemn refrains were sung.

Easter Vigil
The Great Paschal Fire was lit in the grounds of the Church with the great Easter Candle brought in Solemn Procession followed by the Great Easter Exultet.

Killenaule Senior Citizens
Next meeting on April 10th at 2.30 pm. New members welcome. Helpers always welcome. Call Mary on 087 – 6486114.

Derrynaflan Dawn Mass at 6 am
The cold weather did not deter people to travel again this year as they have done every Easter. The road on to the Island had been greatly improved and led to easier access. The Easter Fire could be seen across the Island followed by the Easter Dawn Mass. Againthe chants and music were rendered by the pupils of Scoil Ruain under the direction of Siobhan Hall. The pupils and Siobhan were guests of Tom Egan – Horse & Jockey; later in the morning; to a very fine Easter Breakfast, which was enjoyed by all the young people – bringing the Easter Ceremonies of 2013 to a very joyful conclusion.

Parents Association St. Mary’s Central NS, Killenaule
School Book Rental Scheme Fundraiser – recently held a table quiz and raffle. We are delighted to announce that the sum of €1,900 was raised. The money raised will go towards implementing the school book rental scheme 2013/2014. A special thanks to Ms. O’ Connell Principal and to all the teachers who were extremely supported in assisting with the fundraiser. A huge thank you also to the following people who made this fundraiser such a great success on the night: The Local Businesses who kindly donated prizes for the raffle, Michael McCormack, Ardagh House who provided the venue, William O’ Grady and Niall Prendergast who carried out the quiz.

All Ireland Inter School Hunter Trails
Were held on Saturday 16th March in Moorefield; Ballnaboala, Co. Wexford by kind admission of the Wexford Hunt – seven students from Scoil Ruain Killenaule competed in this event; the 34th year of its establishment. with Scoil Ruain situated in the Heart of the Eqine Industry with Coolmore; Edward O’ Grady and Mouse Morris on their doorsteps. Scoil Ruain had two teams competing. Watch this space for a fuller report next week.

Paired Reading Programme
The paired reading programme at St Mary’s Central NS, Killenaule will be rolled out to a number of classes week commencing the 11th April. We are looking for volunteers to participate in this programme. If you would like to become involved with the paired  reading programme please contact Breda Maher, Secretary, Parent Association on 087 2791862.

Have You Booked Your Ticket For The Gathering?
Plans are well underway to welcome past pupils together with current and present staff to our Gathering on May 4th. Do not miss out on this opportunity to meet old friends and to take a trip down memory lane. The day will begin with an informal gathering at the school from 2-4 pm when you will have a chance to meet and chat as you view memorabilia and recall memories of your time at the school. This will be followed by a night of fine dining, dancing and entertainment at The Anner Hotel beginning with a drinks reception at 7.30pm and all for just €45. To ensure you have a ticket contact the school office at 0529154104. For further details email presballlingarry@eircom.net or why not visit our facebook page @Friends of Presentation Secondary School Ballingarry or visit our Return to Presentation Secondary School Ballingarry page on The Gathering 2013 website. Spread the world and together we will make this a night to remember.

Moyglass Notes
Sat 6th April at 8 pm: Sr. Bertrand Browne, Woodhouse.
Matty Ryan, Buffana.
Eileen Lanigan Nugent – 10th Anniversary.
Sun 7th April at 10 am: Tom Walsh Buffana.
Kathleen Richardson, Galbally.
Sat 13th Apil at 8 pm: Bill O’ Connell Cattaganstown.
Sun 14th April at 10 am: Mary O’ Meara & deceased members of the Thompson Family.

Masses For The Week
Tuesday morning 9.30 am
Wednesday Morning 9.30 am
Thursday Morning 9.30 am
Friday Morning 9.30 am

Genealogy – Tracing Your Ancestors One Day Workshop Saturday April 13th
Location: Crocanoir, Mullinahone, Co. Tippeary www.crocanoir.com
Workshop provider: Hibernia Roots genealogy services (www.hiberniaroots.com)
Have you ever thought of researching your Family Tree but didn’t know where to start? Learn to be your own researcher. All you need is some curiosity and expert guidance through the archives. Acquire the skills necessary to select, locate and use the appropriate sources for genealogy searches and research.
This Workshop is aimed at those that have ‘dabbled’ in their family history, but have never made the time to structure their research. Why not sign up for a One Day Workshop in the beautiful, peaceful surroundings of Crocanóir, Mullinahone? Switch off for a day, and meet other genealogy addicts. At the end of the Workshop you will have identified the resources that could lead to you producing a family report for a special occasion gift or to present to visiting relatives.
Contact John at johnfgb@eircom.net 052-9153117 086-8907329 or Workshop Facilitator – Noreen, at hiberniaroots@gmail.com, for programme details.

Unwanted Gifts
Lucy Connolly would greatly appreciate anyone who has unwanted gifts (Christmas etc) that would like to donate for her Fundraiser for the Children of Sudan, Kenya. Gifts can be donated to Mary O’ Connor, Main Street, Killenaule.  Phone (087) 6216516. Thank you for helping this worthy cause.

Special Offers
To see Special Offers from Hair Dynamics/Cutie Beauty click here.
To see Special Offers from Bit and Bridle click here.

Killenaule / Moyglass Parish Journal 2012 AD
The Killenaule/Moyglass Parish Journal 2012 is now available at various outlets throughout the parish. The cost is the journal is €12.

Sale****Journals From Previous Years****
Copies of journals from previous years are currently available to buy for €5 each. Years available: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010,2011. If anyone if interested in purchasing any of these journals please contact: Micéal de Faoite 087 2483203/ 052 9156895.

Re: Heart Defibrillator In The Killenaule Town Area
The position are:

1. Entrance to Centra (Main Street)
2. Killenaule Community Sports Complex Crosscannon (External)
3. Nursing Home
4. Astro Turf Pitch (Back of Scoil Ruain)

Present Committee – Dr. Liam Meagher, P.J. Hayes, John Hayes, Dick Dwyer, Niall Prendergast, Michael Mc Cormack & Eleanor Lahart.

Getting Married In The Catholic Church
1. You are required to give 3 months notice to the Priest where the Marriage is celebrated.
2. Fill in a pre-nuptial form with the Priest of your Parish.
3. Produce – Recent Baptismal, Confirmation Certificate and Letters of Freedom.
4. Produce Certificate confirming attendance at a Marriage Preparation Course.

Slieveardagh Lottery
The Slieveardagh Lotto is held on Tuesday Nights, this week the Lotto will take place in Slieveardagh Cultural & Enterprise Centre.  This week’s Prize Fund is €16,550.00– Jackpot: €16,350.00. Tickets cost €2.00 and are available in Slieveardagh Centre Killenaule, Shops, Pubs and Post Offices in Killenaule, Ballingarry, Glengoole, The Commons, Gortnahoe, Grange, Ballysloe and Ballynonty. No winner of the Prize Fund or Jackpot last Tuesday. Next draw takes place on Wednesday Morning 10th April 2013.

Slieveardagh Cultral & Enterprise Centre – Office Services
The centre opens 5 days per week from 9am – 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am – 4pm on Friday; closed 1-2pm each day. The following Office Services are available in Slieveardagh Cultural & Enterprise Centre, Killenaule (052) 9156165.  Photocopying, Colourcopying, Typing, Laminating, Binding, Dance / Debs Tickets etc, Raffle Tickets (books), Posters, Business Cards, Booklets, Invitations, Gift Vouchers, Sponsor Cards and Faxing.  Excellent rates – on all the above.  We type essays, assignments etc. To view price list click here.

Internet Café
Broadband Internet Access is now available to the public in the Slieveardagh Centre – all new computers.  Only €2.00 for one hour.

Killenaule Library (052) 9157906. – Housed In Slieveardagh Centre Killenaule
Opening Hours –  Wednesday 10-1 and 2-5, Closed Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Branch Librarian: Donal McGettigan         Telephone Number: 052 9157906

News Items
Please send your news items to info@killenaule.net