Weekly News 16/06/2013

16 June 2013 Off By Malcolm

Killenaule Library
Will be closed next Wednesday 19th June 2013, due to Staff Meeting in Thurles. Apologies for any convenience caused.

Water Boiler
The various committees who use St.Mary’s Hall are asking if you know the whereabouts of the water boiler. Please return to the hall immediately, to be used by the various committees. Thank you.

Ballinure Graveyard Mass
This coming Friday Evening at 7 pm. We look forward to a great gathering with the lovely Raodside Cemetery – a centre of devotion and prayer for centuries.

Crosscannon Cemetery
Crowds gathered in beautiful sunshine to pray and remember their dead. The tradition of sitting on family graves was a special sign of uniting the living and the dead. The Rosary was recited by Maureen Hayes, who led the huge gathering in prayer, while the graves were being blessed, while during the Mass, John McCormack led the prayerful gathering in Hymns of Remembrance of our dead. The graveyard was resplendent, parishioners can be proud of the lovely dwelling place for their dead. May we all keep it a place of prayer and peace for our Dead.

Please Remember In Your Prayers
Jackie Fogarty. Died recently. Mass offered.
Margaret & Patrick Healy, Ballynonty, and their daughters Peggie Marie & Jospehine. Mass offered on Saturday 15th June at 7 pm.
Tony Joy, Cooldine. Months Mind Mass this Sunday at 11 am.
Pádraig Sirr, Kilbrennal. Anniversary Mass this Sunday at 11 am.
Jim Johnson, Killeens. Anniversary Mass this Sunday at 11 am.

Remembrances During The Week:
Monday at 10.30 am: John Heffernan, Cashel Road. RIP
Tuesday at 10.30 am: Anna Hehir. RIP
Wednesday at 10.30 am: Nora Costello RIP
Joan Kelly RIP
Thursday at 10.30 am: John Heffernan, Cashel Road. RIP
Friday at 10.30 am: Michael O’ Dwyer. RIP
Saturday at 10.30 am: Bridie Purcell. RIP
Patrick Horgan. Anniversary.
Saturday Eve 22nd June at 7 pm: Jane and Kitty Croke, Noan, Ballinure.
Tom Kerwick (40th Anniversary) & his wife Catherine Kerwick (37th Annviersary) & their daughter Joan Kerwick (20th Anniversary)

Moyglass Notes
Sat 15th June at 8 pm: John and Ellen Ryan and son Mike and wife Bridget Ryan Anniversary
Sun 16th June at 11 am: 
Special Intention
Sat  22nd June at 8 pm: 
Patrick and Annie Kirwan, Ballinure.
Sun 23rd June at 10 am: John and Josie Teehan, Moyglass.

Mass For The Week:
Tuesday Morning at 9.30 am
Wednesday Morning at 9.30 am
Thursday Morning at 9.30 am
Friday Morning at 9.30 am
Exposition of the blessed Sacrament on Friday at usual times.

Graveyard Masses
Friday June 21st at 7 pm in Ballinure
Friday June 28th at 7 pm in Magorban
In preparation for the Graveyard Masses grass will be cut, with a general clean up at all the graveyards.

A Word Of Thanks
To all who helped to prepare and attended the Graveyard Mass in Moyglass on Friday Night last.

Eucharistic Adoration
Continues every Wednesday in the Prayer Room from 11 am – 7 pm. To all our parishioners we say feel free to come to the Prayer Room on Wednesday. Why not just drop in and spend some time with the Lord – He would want to meet you and speak to you there. An appeal to all who have cars, call and bring a parishioner confined to their homes, what a wonderful way of helping people to meet Jesus.

Credit Union Member’s Cash Draw
Thurles Credit Union has announced the 2013 launch of the hugely successful Member’s Cash Draw.The draw has been running since 2001. Initially, cars were the major prizes but a survey of the members showed that cash prizes are the preferred option of the thousands taking part and the decision to change to cash only prizes has proven extremely popular.What makes the Credit Union Members Draw different? Well, for one thing, every euro taken in is given back out in prizes since there is no beneficiary other than the members themselves, and there are no administration fees or charges. Add in the fact that entry to the draw costs less than €1 per week (€40 per Year), and that you can opt to have the entry fee taken from your savings in the Credit Union, and you have a trouble-free and painless method of taking part.The draw will be held monthly at Credit Union House in Parnell Street, will commence on June 29th and is confined to members of the Credit Union. If you are a Credit Union member and already taking part in the draw, there is no need to do anything now as you will be automatically entered into the new draw. However, if you are a member of the Credit Union and not entered into the draw but would like to be, then you need to complete an application form to do so. As stated, you don’t have to hand over any money, since payment is by deduction from your account once your application has been accepted. Application forms are available at the office in Parnell Street or in the sub-offices in Urlingford or Killenaule, along with the rules of the draw.

May Members Cash Draw John Norton

Slieveardagh Centre Killenaule
If you always wanted to do a certain course but could not find that course on offer anywhere, please contact the Slieveardagh Centre and we will advertise the course to be run in the centre this Autumn. Maybe you always wanted to learn the guitar, tin whistle, banjo etc. Maybe you only want to know about the internet on your computer, how to book a holiday, Skype or set up emails etc. We would really love to hear your ideas. Call 052 9156165 with any ideas.

Credit Union Killenaule – Opening Hours
Thursday: 10 am – 2 pm / Friday: 10 am – 2 pm / Saturday: 10 am – 2 pm

Special Offers
To see Special Offers from Hair Dynamics/Cutie Beauty click here.
To see Special Offers from Bit and Bridle click here.
To see Special Offers from John O’ Dwyer Butchers click here.

Killenaule / Moyglass Parish Journal 2012 AD
The Killenaule/Moyglass Parish Journal 2012 is now available at various outlets throughout the parish. The cost is the journal is €12.

Sale****Journals From Previous Years****
Copies of journals from previous years are currently available to buy for €5 each. Years available: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011. If anyone if interested in purchasing any of these journals please contact: Micéal de Faoite 087 2483203/ 052 9156895.

Re: Heart Defibrillator In The Killenaule Town Area
The positions are:

1. Entrance to Centra (Main Street)
2. Killenaule Community Sports Complex Crosscannon (External)
3. Nursing Home
4. Astro Turf Pitch (Back of Scoil Ruain)

Present Committee – Dr. Liam Meagher, P.J. Hayes, John Hayes, Dick Dwyer, Niall Prendergast, Michael Mc Cormack & Eleanor Lahart.

Getting Married In The Catholic Church
1. You are required to give 3 months notice to the Priest where the Marriage is celebrated.
2. Fill in a pre-nuptial form with the Priest of your Parish.
3. Produce – Recent Baptismal, Confirmation Certificate and Letters of Freedom.
4. Produce Certificate confirming attendance at a Marriage Preparation Course.

Slieveardagh Lottery
The Slieveardagh Lotto is held on Wednesday Mornings, this week the Lotto will take place in Slieveardagh Cultural & Enterprise Centre.  This week’s Prize Fund is €17,050.00– Jackpot: €16,850.00. Tickets cost €2.00 and are available in Slieveardagh Centre Killenaule, Shops, Pubs and Post Offices in Killenaule, Ballingarry, Glengoole, The Commons, Gortnahoe, Grange, Ballysloe and Ballynonty. No winner of the Prize Fund or Jackpot last Tuesday. Next draw takes place on Wednesday Morning 19th June 2013.

Slieveardagh Cultral & Enterprise Centre – Office Services
The centre opens 5 days per week from 9am – 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am – 4pm on Friday; closed 1-2pm each day. The following Office Services are available in Slieveardagh Cultural & Enterprise Centre, Killenaule (052) 9156165.  Photocopying, Colourcopying, Typing, Laminating, Binding, Dance / Debs Tickets etc, Raffle Tickets (books), Posters, Business Cards, Booklets, Invitations, Gift Vouchers, Sponsor Cards and Faxing.  Excellent rates – on all the above.  We type essays, assignments etc. To view price list click here.

Internet Café
Broadband Internet Access is now available to the public in the Slieveardagh Centre – all new computers.  Only €2.00 for one hour.

Killenaule Library (052) 9157906. – Housed In Slieveardagh Centre Killenaule
Opening Hours –  Wednesday 10-1 and 2-5, Closed Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Branch Librarian: Donal McGettigan         Telephone Number: 052 9157906

News Items
Please send your news items to info@killenaule.net