Killenaule and Moyglass Parish Newsletter 22/02/15
Killenaule / Moyglass Parish / Saturday / Sunday 21st / 22nd February 2015
newsletter 22nd Feb (PDF Version)
Fr. Jimmy 086-8184787 Fr. Danny 086 – 2402482
Sat 21st Feb at 7.00pm: Sr. Collette Hayes, Los Angeles & Kilmichael, Co. Clare.
Tom & Han Carey, Noan, Ballinure & Formerly Moyglass.
Reader: Patsy Burke / Music By: The Choir.
Sun 22nd Feb at 11.00am: Caroline Carey & Baby Joseph Carey & Jack Slattery, Killeens.
Reader: Siobhan Duggan.
Thurs 26th Feb at 10.30am: Joan Kelly – Rockfield House.
Sat 28th Feb at 7.00pm: Michael Cleary / Months Mind – Stacia Hooley, River Street.
Peg, Joe & Joe (Jnr) Lamphier, Ballintogher.
Sun 1st March at 11.00am: Pearl Lahart, Killenaule. 1st Anniversary.
Joan Kelly, Rockfield House – 2nd Anniversary.
Annie Walsh, Mary Ann Sheehan, James Sheehan, Walsh & Sheehan Family
Sincere Thanks: Offertory Collection: Killenaule: €528.52
Morning Mass: Mon – Fri: 10.30am / Parish Rosary after Mass each Morning/
Legion of Mary Tues 7.30pm / Exposition of Blessed Sacrament
Wednesday from 11am-7pm
St. Joseph the Worker Church – Moyglass
Sat 21st Feb at 8.00pm: Michael Kennedy, Late of Arbourhill
Maureen Fogarty. Late of Manserhill.
Reader: Catherine Tynan / Eucharistic Minister: Ann O’ Dea
Sun 22nd Feb at 10.00am: Breda O Dwyer, Late of Woodhouse.
Reader: Joan Quigley / Eucharistic Minister: Jim O’ Meara
Music: Nora & The Choir
Sat 28th Feb at 7.00pm: Reader: Cathriona Quirke / Eucharistic Minster: Jim O’ Meara.
Sun 1st March at 10.00am: Edmond, Johanna & John Brophy, Late of St. Johnstown.
Reader: David Curran / Eucharistic Minister: Jean Farrelly.
Masses for the coming week: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday at 9.30am. / No Mass on Wednesday Morning Mass every Wed Night at 8pm for Lent / Adoration of Friday at usual times.
St. Joseph the Worker 25th Anniversary
Meeting on Saturday Night after Mass in Sacristy – All welcome to attend.
Trocaire Boxes are available in both Church Porches. Last year €155,750.20 was donated across the Diocese of Cashel & Emly through the Trocaire Boxes of which €3,521 was donated in the Parish of Killenaule / Moyglass.
Pray for the Soul of:
Margaret Cormack, Bailey Street
died during the week.
Child Protection Meeting Monday 23rd Feb at 8.00pm
Next Training Course in St. Patrick’s College on Sat 28th March from 10am – 4pm
Stained Glass Window Meeting:
On Tuesday 3rd March at 8.30pm in St. Mary’s Hall.
Next Collection on Sat 28th Feb & Sun 1st March 2015
St. Mary’s 150th Celebration Meeting on Tues 3rd March at 8.30pm in St. Mary’s Hall.
Choir: An open invitation to all who would like to be part of the Choir for the 150 Years Celebration in August. Invitation to young & old, come along to St. Mary’s Hall on Wed 4th March at 7.30pm. Bring an instrument and bring a friend / teas served.
Sincere Thanks
To all who distribute Parish Envelopes during the past week. We appreciate the generosity of 700 homes / households across the Parish, and throughout our population of 2,500 who support our Parish by the generosity of their voluntary donations. Sincere thanks to Corina, Aoife& Staff at Slieveardagh and Tús workers who helped to prepare the envelopes.
Next Collection:
First Sunday in Lent.
Lenten Clergy Collection 21st / 22nd February 2015.
If a Household hasn’t received an envelope please contact (086) 8184787
Lenten Programme
DVD Presentation on Pope Francis: Modelling the Ministry of St. Peter.
- Feed my Lambs: Look after my Sheep
- Seeking the Wisdom of Women
- The dream of a Warm, Merciful Missionary & Discerning Church
- Showing a new way of exercising the Papacy
- Panel Discussion
Starting Tuesday 24th Feb at 7.30pm
1 hour for 6 weeks.
Contact Catherine on 087-9922146
Parish Finance Meeting – Parish Council on Mon 23rd March in St. Mary’s Hall.
Invitation to those who are qualified financially/
interested and love of the Parish to help oversee Parish Finances on a monthly basis.
St. Mary’s Hall Meeting to elect a Committee to oversee the running of the Hall will be held on Monday 9th March at 8pm.
Fethard & District Day Care Centre
Next Senior Day on Friday 27th Feb at 11.00am
Anyone with articles or photos for Killenaule Website; please use details at the top of newsletter for more info.
Get Your Message Across: Personal Communications Skills Course – Starting Tues 3rd March 9.30am-12pm for 6 weeks, Adult Education Centre (old school) Killenaule. To be eligible for this course you must be in receipt of a jobseekers payment, disability payment or one parent family payment. For more details and to book a place on the course contact Hilary Dilworth 086 8254024 or 052 7442652
This is course is a joint initiative of South Tipperary Development Company and Tipperary ETB
Free Part-time Evening Course for Social Welfare Recipients – Starting March 2015 in Adult Education Centre (opposite Church) on Safety & Health at Work with Occupational First Aid. Info contact Brigid Ann Whelan on (052) 6176755 ext. 23. Closing date is Friday 27th Feb.
Ear Candling Clinic in Resource Centre Glengoole on Friday 6th March. Ear candling is a pleasant, non-invasive treatment that can help to promote an enhanced state of health. Some of the benefits: sinusitis / headaches / migraines / compacted ear wax / glue ear / tinnitus and ringing in the ears / regulation of pressure from flying / colds & flu / calms, relaxes & reduces stress and anxiety.
Appointment necessary please phone Elaine on 086-3356808.