Killenaule and Moyglass Parish Newsletter 01/03/15
Killenaule / Moyglass Parish / Saturday / Sunday 28th Feb / 1st March 2015
Fr. Jimmy 086-8184787 Fr. Danny 086 – 2402482
newsletter 1st March (PDF Version)
Sat 28th Feb at 7.00pm:
Months Mind – Stacia Hooley, River Street.
Micheal Cleary, Peg Lamphier, Joe Lamphier & Joe (Jnr) Lamphier &
Deceased Members of the Cleary Family – Ballintogher.
Sun 1st March at 11.00am:
Pearl Lahart, Killenaule. 1st Anniversary.
Joan Kelly, Rockfield House – 2nd Anniversary.
Annie Walsh (13th), Mary Ann Sheehan, James Sheehan,
Walsh & Sheehan Family
Celebrant Fr. Austin Bulfin – Ballinure
Wed 4th March at 10.30am:
Fr. John O’ Dwyer & Bridie O Dwyer.
Sat 7th March at 7.00pm:
Months Mind – Nan Kelly, 3 St. Mary’s Road.
John & Johanna Gleeson, Cooldine.
Margo Hussey, Killenaule & Dundrum – Dublin.
John Delaney, Roan / Kieran Lloyd, Knockavardagh.
Reader: Brigid Mc Cormack / Music By: Carmel; Amanda & Elana Hussey
Sun 8th March at 11.00am:
James Simpson, Crohane.
Reader: Barbara Doyle.
Sincere Thanks: Offertory Collection: Killenaule: €400.74 Moyglass: €350.00
Clergy Collection: Killenaule: €1,610 Moyglass: €705.00
Morning Mass: Mon – Fri: 10.30am / Parish Rosary after Mass each Morning/
Legion of Mary Tues 7.30pm / Exposition of Blessed Sacrament
Wednesday from 11am-7pm
St. Joseph the Worker Church – Moyglass
Sat 28th Feb at 7.00pm:
Reader: Cathriona Quirke / Eucharistic Minster: Jim O’ Meara.
Sun 1st March at 10.00am:
Edmond, Johanna & John Brophy, Late of St. Johnstown.
Reader: David Curran / Eucharistic Minister: Jean Farrelly.
Music: Moyglass Choir.
Sat 7th March at 8.00pm:
Months Mind – The Late Chrissie Walsh, Buffana.
Reader: Elaine Harrington / Eucharistic Minister: Margaret Ryan
Sun 8th March at 10.00am:
Reader: Tom Hayes / Eucharistic Minister: Bridget Sheehan
Music: Moyglass Choir.
Masses for the coming week: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday at 9.30am. / No Mass on Wednesday Morning Mass every Wed Night at 8pm for Lent / Adoration of Friday at usual times.
Trocaire Boxes are available in both Church Porches. Last year €155,750.20 was donated across the Diocese of Cashel & Emly through the Trocaire Boxes of which €3,521 was donated in the Parish of Killenaule / Moyglass.
Stained Glass Window Meeting:
On Tuesday 3rd March at 8.30pm in St. Mary’s Hall.
Next Collection on Sat 28th Feb & Sun 1st March 2015
St. Mary’s 150th Celebration Meeting on Tues 3rd March at 8.30pm in St. Mary’s Hall.
Choir: An open invitation to all who would like to be part of the Choir for the 150 Years Celebration in August. Invitation to young & old, come along to St. Mary’s Hall on Wed 4th March at 7.30pm. Bring an instrument and bring a friend / teas served.
Donations of Flowers for March to Kathleen Cormack, Maura Blackmore, Mary Sirr.
In our Second Reading we hear the words ‘If God is for us, who can be against us? This may, at first, seem fairly obvious. Of course God is ‘for’ us, cheering us on, as it were; encouraging us through life’s journey. And yet, this is not everyone’s image of God. Too many times we imagine God to be an authority figure who lays down rules and regulations which are impossible to keep, who then waits for us to slip up. It’s good, then, to remind ourselves that, instead, our God loves and supports us infinitely and wants nothing more than our flourishing.
‘Creation is not a property, which we can rule over at will; or, even less, is the property of only a few: Creation is a gift, it is a wonderful gift that God has given us, so that we care for it and we use it for the benefit of all’ – Pope Francis
Killenaule Active Retirement Association
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 5th March in St. Mary’s Hall at 2.00pm. New members are always welcome. Membership fees are now due.
Men’s Shed Glengoole – meet every Thursday morning in the Millennium Family Resource Centre, Glengoole from 11am—1pm. All are welcome. Contact 052-9157992 for further information.
Lenten Retreat On Friday 27th – Sunday 29th March.
Fr. Bernard Murphy CR – Pallotines, Thurles
(0504) 21202
New Reader’s List available contact Kathleen Cormack
St. Mary’s Church Clean Up this Monday at 11am.
Killenaule Daffodil Day Committee –
Are holding a Coffee Morning in St. Mary’s Hall on Sunday 1st March after 11am Mass until 1pm
Sunday 8th March – Family Walk
Refreshments served in St. Mary’s Hall after the walk. Entry fee for a Family €10.00
Phone (087) 1314678 for more details
All proceeds to Daffodil Day – please support
Parish Finance Meeting – Parish Council on Mon 23rd March in St. Mary’s Hall.
Invitation to those who are qualified financially/
interested and with a love of the Parish to help oversee Parish Finances on a monthly basis.
St. Mary’s Hall Meeting to elect a Committee to oversee the running of the Hall will be held on Tuesday 10th March at 8pm
Killenaule / Moyglass Lourdes Committee
Wish to thank all who supported their pre-Valentine Dinner & who helped on the night.
Lourdes Church Gate Collection
In Killenaule / Moyglass on Sat / Sun 21st / 22nd March.
Next 25th Anniversary St. Joseph the Worker Church Moyglass – Meeting on Sat 14th March directly after Mass in the Sacristy.
Moyglass Church 25th Anniversary Committee request old photos which were taking during the building of the Church or on the date of opening for display in the Church / Hall during 25th Celebration.
Slieveardagh Centre Killenaule – Computers for the Terrified Course:
If you don’t know anything about computers but would love to learn about them at a relaxed pace in a fun-filled environment with no exams – then this is the course for you. 2 places remain on this course which will commence on Tues 21st April from 7-9pm for 8 Tuesday Nights. To get a place before they are all gone call (052) 9156165. Great feedback from previous course participants.