Slieveardagh Services

Slieveardagh Services

2 May 2015 Off By Malcolm

Getting Married this Summer?

Wondering where to get your Wedding Mass Booklets?

Slieveardagh Rural Development Killenaule for all your printing needs. Wedding Booklets made to your taste, with cover designed to your preference e.g. picture of church etc.

Only €1.50 per booklet. Call 052-9156165 or email


Derrynaflan Trail Booklets

Derrynaflan Trail booklets are on sale in Slieveardagh Centre Killenaule. This booklet includes a map and all the local ecclesiastical sites. Also an audio guide can be downloaded to your phone, which will allow you to listen to a tour guide – guide you through the tour. Booklet costs €1 each or 3 for €2 – grab them before they’re gone.