Scoil Ruain Summer Fun Camp 2015 and Gym

Scoil Ruain Summer Fun Camp 2015 and Gym

20 May 2015 Off By Malcolm

Scoil Ruain Summer Fun Camp: 14th, 15th & 16th of July, 10 am- 2 pm.

3 days of games & sports including, Childrens games, Olympic Handball, Rounders, Dodgeball, Dance, Obstacle courses, adventure races, Hurling, football  and much more.

To book or for information contact Eadaoin: 0871934989. Booking is essential as places are limited.


Scoil Ruain Gym:

3 months membership only €90, including consultation, program & nutrition advice. Also available for personal training or small group training. Book now: Eadaoin 0871934989
