Killenaule and Moyglass is Listening
Listening poster (PDF of Poster)
Listening Process
An Invitation to Everybody
In accord with his Pastoral Letter, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord’, Kieran, our Archbishop, invites you as a parishioner of Killenaule & Moyglass, to participate in a process of listening and reflecting with a view to planning for the future of the Church in the archdiocese.
The people and priests of each of our parishes are engaged with this listening process. All are welcome to be part of this process including those, who for various reasons, have left our church communities. The Listening Process in the Parish of Killenaule & Moyglass will take the form of a Listening Gathering for all parishioners as well as affording the opportunity for all the active groups in the parish to become involved.
The Listening Gathering will take place in St. Mary’s Hall, Killenaule on
Tuesday 20th November at 7.30pm.
Followed by light refreshments.
All are welcome.
Gracious and Loving God be with us
as we, your people of God in Cashel and Emly
take part in a Listening Process.
We ask your help in our searching.
We desire to deepen our commitment to you.
Give us the courage and grace to explore
the reality of our faith.
Help us to discern how best we will share and pass on the light of faith.
Now is our time.
Holy Spirit of God be our Guide
as we prepare the way of the Lord in our lives
and in the lives of our parish communities in Cashel & Emly.
Saint Ailbe pray for us.