ETB Training Courses
Courses starting in 2020 include
“Getting to grips with your Smartphone“. Starting Tues 4th Feb in Killenaule Adult Education Centre
This course runs for 8 Tuesdays from 10am to 12 noon each day.
For more information or to book a place contact: Lillian on 087-9025144
You will learn what all the buttons are for, understand what “Apps” are and start using them, use the keyboard, add contacts, learn the difference between mobile data and wifi and much more. If you are interested in joining, contact us to book your free place

‘Medical Administration Support’ course in Tipperary Town, 10th February 2020
Full Time day course, 16 weeks, 9am-4pm Monday to Thursday and 9am-1pm on Friday,
starting Mon 10th Feb 2020
Would you like to work in a Medical Office environment?
For more information or to apply, log on to and enter code 285921
or call Katie at 052 613 4333.
TETB #MedicalAdmin #TipperaryTown #LearningTogetherYourSuccessOurGoal

Skills for your Future incl driving Licence course in Nenagh
Have you a Provisional B Licence/Learner Permit? Get your Full Licence (Car/Light Van) in 7 weeks, starting #Nenagh 17th February (includes Lessons & Test)
Book your place today by logging on to or call 052 613 4333

Check for other courses throughout the year.
Courses coming up in Killenaule are
244926 Adult Basic Education (Literacy and Numeracy) The First Step Killenaule 03/02/2020
281428 Driver Theory Test Preparation Killenaule 20/04/2020
294913 Adult Learning with Computers Killenaule 01/09/2020
294855 Level 3 Computer Literacy Killenaule 02/09/2020
281430 Preparation for D1 (Minibus) Driver Theory Test Killenaule 16/09/2020
281429 Driver Theory Test Preparation Killenaule 21/09/2020
294931 Getting to Grips with your Smartphone Killenaule 29/09/2020