‘Preparing for New Life’ – six Lenten Reflection evenings with Sr Therese Fitzgerald

‘Preparing for New Life’ – six Lenten Reflection evenings with Sr Therese Fitzgerald

5 February 2021 0 By Malcolm

We are delighted to invite you to a series of six reflection evenings, organised by the Irish Institute for Pastoral Studies, on Zoom with Sr Therese Fitzgerald to support you in your Lenten journey:

New beginnings and possibilities often emerge after difficult times. The last days of Jesus’ life were full of challenge, rejection, betrayal and loss for Jesus and his followers.

But they were followed by Resurrection with new life for all. Reflecting on the stories of the days leading up to the death of Jesus can help us prepare for the new life that is offered at Easter.

Many of you will have participated in the Book of Isaiah reflection evenings during Advent with Sr Therese; Sr Therese has a wonderful gift of unlocking the scriptures in a very real and personal way.

The reflection series will run from 7:30pm to 9pm each Monday for 6 weeks, from Monday 22nd February through to Monday 29th March.  A contribution of €15 is requested, covering all six evenings.

Please note payment is being administered through the Diocese of Limerick.

Registration is open at the link below; registration will close on Friday 19th February at 12 noon or when capacity has been reached.

Places will be limited so early registration is advised.

Click here to register: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LentenReflections